Team Effectiveness
Develop team strength with Insights Discovery® – In order to keep up with the rapid changes of our time, organizations are reinventing themselves and structuring themselves as flexible, dynamic team networks. Building effective teams must therefore be a top priority for any organization. This team training based on Insights Discovery® enables the participants to get to know themselves better, to use personal strengths of each individual and to optimize the interaction with others. You will review and develop the essential requirements for success-oriented communication within the team and also externally. You get the opportunity to better understand your own behavior patterns and those of other people through self-images and images of others and to correct and adapt your own behavior accordingly. In order to achieve maximum and sustainable practical transfer, this training is experience-oriented, motivating and interactive.
training aspects
- Identify personal strengths and potential
- Different perceptions / feedback
- interaction with others
- Increase in teamwork
- Personal development
- Overcoming barriers in communication
- Dealing with “difficult people”
- conflict avoidance
- Persuasion strategies and motivation
- behavior in change processes
- Ideal working environment
target group
Teams …
- who want to improve their communication with each other and cooperation
- who want to increase their visibility
- who are in the process of change or have to face new challenges
- who want to become high-performing teams
- where interpersonal issues impede effectiveness
- who have newly formed
- who address your customers in a preference-oriented way and want to communicate more convincingly
training forms
In-house training for your team
Individual coaching
The Insights Discovery® preference model
The Insights Discovery® preference model has a modular structure and provides insights into personal behavior, work and communication styles. The use of the preference profile helps in a very fast, precise and well-founded way to make communication and cooperation in the company organization more pleasant, more effective and more successful. The performance of teams improves noticeably and change processes are managed more easily. It is about the deeper understanding of being different and about the willingness to adapt to others.
In addition, the profile contains numerous points of reference to develop personal strategies for effective communication and sustainable relationships and to initiate a personal development process. The 72 type assignments are made by measuring attitudes, judging and perceiving functions. In the typ wheel, the user’s typology is displayed in a context model. Individuality and group dynamics are equally illustrated. The high validity and reliability of Insights Discovery® is guaranteed by ongoing reviews by well-known research institutions.