We are a team of trainers, coaches and moderators with different thematic focuses but a uniform strategy and approach.
According to our philosophy, we always support people in their whole personality and fundamentally work in a motivating way with them.
Our goal is to make people with professional responsibility more successful and to work for the benefit of our business partners.
Our partners are self-employed entrepreneurs and can all look back on a successful career as an executive in senior management and/or in sales management. According to the motto “From practice – for practice” it is important to learn from the successful.
Eva Buhr
Trainer | Coach | Moderator
+49 (0) 176 274 986 95
„Nur wer selbst für etwas brennt,
kann das Feuer in anderen entfachen“
– Augustinus –
Uwe Hoerner
Trainer | Coach | Moderator
Insights® Discovery Licensed Practitioner
+49 (0) 170 5842337
„Die Schwierigkeit liegt nicht darin, die neuen Ideen zu finden, sondern darin, die alten loszuwerden.“
– John Maynard Keynes –
Dr. Marion Benson
Trainerin | Coach | Moderatorin
Insights® Discovery Licensed Practitioner
+49 (0) 157 76807896
„Wenn Du willst, was Du noch nie gehabt hast, dann tue, was Du noch nie getan hast.“
– Nossrat Peseschkian –
Ralf Müller
Trainer | Coach | Moderator
Insights® Discovery Licensed Practitioner
+49 (0) 176 34870147
„Ob Du nun glaubst, dass Du etwas tun kannst oder ob Du glaubst, dass Du es nicht tun kannst, Du wirst immer Recht behalten.“
– Henry Ford –